"1az".next #=> "1ba" "1aaz".next #=> "1aba"
aa = [ %w[Someone 1], %w[Bla 2]] p aa.assoc("Someone") p aa.assoc("Bla") # Result: # ["Someone", "1"] # ["Bla", "2"] p aa.rassoc("1") p aa.rassoc("2") # Result: # ["Someone", "1"] # ["Bla", "2"]
#Basic use puts 'script start' at_exit do puts 'inside at_exit method for the first time' end #anywhere in your code again at_exit do puts 'inside at_exit method for the second time' end puts "script end" #Result: #script start #script end #inside at_exit method for the second time #inside at_exit method for the first time #Own exception crash logger at_exit do if $! # If the program exits due to an exception puts 'Exiting' #you can also print log to a file #you can send notification to another app end end #Logging error anywhere when program exit (Thread.current[:errors] ||= []) << 'Any error message goes here' #or def log_error(error_message) (Thread.current[:errors] ||= []) << "#{error_message}" end #Now, log all the errors at_exit do File.open('errors.txt', 'a') do |file| (Thread.current[:errors] ||= []).each do |error| file.puts error end end end
deep = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = Hash.new(&hash.default_proc) } deep[:a][:b][:c][:d] = 42 p deep # Result: # {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>42}}}}
var = :var object = Object.new object.define_singleton_method(:show_var_and_block) do |&block| p [var, block] end object.show_var_and_block { :block } # Result: # [:var, #<Proc:0x007ffd6c038128@./blocks_can_take_blocks.rb:8>]
Thread.abort_on_exception = true Thread.new do fail 'Ops, we cannot continue' end loop do sleep end # Result: # ./bubbling_up_thread_errors.rb:4:in `block in <main>': Ops, we cannot continue (RuntimeError)
age = rand(1..100) p age case age when -Float::INFINITY..20 p 'You are too young' when 21..64 p 'You are at the right age' when 65..Float::INFINITY p 'You are too old' end # Result: # 55 # "You are at the right age"
require 'pp' pp ObjectSpace.count_objects # Result: # {:TOTAL=>30163, # :FREE=>1007, # :T_OBJECT=>39, # :T_CLASS=>534, # :T_MODULE=>24, # :T_FLOAT=>4, # :T_STRING=>9290, # :T_REGEXP=>70, # :T_ARRAY=>2231, # :T_HASH=>53, # :T_STRUCT=>1, # :T_BIGNUM=>2, # :T_FILE=>14, # :T_DATA=>966, # :T_MATCH=>1, # :T_COMPLEX=>1, # :T_NODE=>15896, # :T_ICLASS=>30}
ring = %w[one two three].cycle p ring.take(5) # Result: # ["one", "two", "three", "one", "two"]
puts DATA.read __END__ Hey oh! Hey oh!
require 'pstore' db = PStore.new('mydatabase.pstore') db.transaction do db['people1'] = 'Someone' db['money1'] = 400 end db.transaction do db['people2'] = 'Someone2' db['money2'] = 300 end db.transaction(true) do p 'People %p' % db['people1'] p 'Money %p' % db['money1'] p "SECOND PERSON" p 'People %p' % db['people2'] p 'Money %p' % db['money2'] end # Result: # "People \"Someone\"" # "Money 400" # "SECOND PERSON" # "People \"Someone2\"" # "Money 300"